Monday, October 11, 2010

Don't Bet On Tomorrow

In my last post I said the first step you need to take to start living life is deciding that is what you want. It's the next step where I see many people falter. The second step is to begin taking action today towards your goal. All too often, I talk with people that have excuses as to why they can't start a business and leave their jobs. If they work three more years, they'll be vested for their stock options, then they can start a business. They're up for a promotion, even though they hate managing people, then they'll have the money for a business. After they get the next quarter's bonus and put on that new deck, then they'll think about starting a new business.

And on, and on, and on it goes.

Listen to me, all of those excuses are based on the assumption that you or your family will be around in three months or three years. You are NOT guaranteed a tomorrow. I know, just over three years ago, I was the one getting the call from the doctor with the diagnosis of malignant melanoma. I had already lost a dear friend to this rare and aggressive cancer and did not want that for my family. (Surprising fact: Every hour, someone dies from Melanoma.)

If you want to start your own business, to spend more time with your children, to have more than just a roommate relationship with your spouse, do something today to get you closer to that goal.

What should you do to get started?
- Conduct an inventory of your skills, strengths, and passions
- Brainstorm a list of ideas for businesses (aim for 40 or 50 ideas)
- Identify where your heart is, what makes it sing or brings up righteous anger?
- Research other businesses in your area
- Assess your market
- Run some financials - personal and projected business
- Look into health insurance options if necessary
- Learn how technology can help you
- Find a mentor or coach to guide you

This is just a short list to get you started, but all of these will get you closer to your goal. Once you start down this path and taking action, you will find you have more energy, feel more alive, and have more patience with your family.

Isn't that what we're working towards in the end?

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