Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Are You Striving For......Mediocrity?

You head in to work every day after dropping off your kids at school or daycare and make you way to your office or cube. Check email, check voice mail, review your schedule.

As you go through out your day you have this nagging feeling that you were made for something greater than this. You want to make a difference, make an impact, but it's not happening where you are, and it's not going to.

You feel like an eagle that wants to soar,but someone has put a band around your wings grounding you.

So you drone on through the day, remind yourself that this is called work for a reason, and drag yourself home to your family drained of your energy. You console yourself with the idea that the weekend is coming and you can do what you want then.

Here's the problem, you were made for something greater than this! But everyone around you and everyone you know is living the same life you are.

You're just surviving. You are existing and making it through the day, but your spirit and your passions are dying, if you can even remember what they were.

Why? Why do we allow ourselves to live a life of bland duty, going through the day and the week like a robot?

Because we're afraid. We're afraid others will laugh or criticize our ideas, our dreams.
We're afraid we might fail.
We're afraid we're not smart enough.
We're afraid of what our spouse will say.
We're afraid we won't be able to pay our bills, and what about health insurance?
And on, and on, and on.

The shame is: Fear will always chain us to mediocrity.

When you give up your dreams you surrender to a life of mediocrity. Who wants to live a life of mediocrity? No one, but that's what the majority of Americans choose each and every day.

You were made for greatness.
You were made for such a time as this.
You have unique skills, gifts, and talents that enable you to meet a need that no one else can meet.

By choosing to remain where you are, you are depriving the world of your best - and right now, the world needs your best.

So choose today to strive, not for mediocrity, but for greatness. Together, let's break off the chains that have grounded you and soar!


  1. Megan, Well said. In you profile, you have zeroed in on such a key point. Balance, better juggling of time are so often the buzz words. Maybe it is time for many of us to realize that the desire for better "balance" is more than that. It is a deep desire to find our purpose in this life, and often it means separating our identity from the kind of "stuff" we own. Time to forget about the Joneses and start thinking about what is really important.

  2. You're so right Grace. Thank you for making that distinction from balance to purpose, I think we miss that too often.

  3. I agree, Megan. Fear will almost always be there, but if you allow it to take hold, it's tough to rise above mediocrity.

    Well done on the design of your site, too!

  4. Justin thanks for the comment and feedback. I appreciate it.
