Monday, January 7, 2013

Making a Difference in 2013

If you're like most people, by the end of January, you will have abandoned your New Year's resolutions and gone back to your same routine from last year.

Even with the best intentions, we slip up and go back to the familiar, what feels comfortable or what we are used to. I've done it myself - most specifically with this blog.

But here's how to make 2013 different. How you can be the one who does achieve their goals this year.

(And may I just say, I am preaching to myself and am doing all of this right along with you.)

1. Where are you right now? If you want to achieve anything this year, you have to know where you're starting from. I have slacked off this blog for most of 2012. I may still have some followers, but I'm pretty much starting off from scratch - again.

2. Where do you want to be? Basic goal-setting states that your goals need to be specific, time-defined, realistic, and measureable. What do you want to have achieved by Dec. 31, 2013? Then break that down into smaller quarterly, monthly, and weekly goals and activities. For me, by the end of 2013, I want The Naptime CEO to be a viable, revenue generating business, which means I need to blog at least once a week. Additionally, to achieve that goal, I plan to launch a teleseminar series and a podcast by June. My action plan  lists out all the steps I need to take and by when to make my goals a reality.

3. Have a clarity of purpose. Want 2013 to be different? Then you need to be very clear on why you are making changes. Hard days will come. Challenges will try to stop you. In those moments - and days - you need to understand why you are doing what you are doing or it will be just too easy to give up and quit. The Naptime CEO has been on my heart for nearly four year now! However, I haven't done much with it for a slew of reasons: not enough time, fear of hurting my consulting business, fear people would think this was a dumb idea (being honest here), unsure of the market, and on and on and on. What will make this year different? The pain of this vision has become so great, that the only way to heal it is to take action. (I have an entire blog coming on just this topic.) My purpose for this business is so clear to me that I simply cannot shake it or make it go away.

4. Who have you told? Accountability is a pretty frightening word for many people, but it's the best way to get anything accomplished. Want to lose weight and get in shape? Get a gym buddy or hire a trainer. Want to earn more money. Plan something fun with some of the extra money and tell your kids about it. A five year old and a six year old are GREAT accountability partners! For me, I'm telling almost everyone I know that I'm launching The Naptime CEO this year because that motivates me personally.

5. Ruthless evaluation. Finally, take a good hard look at what it will take to achieve your goals and honestly decide what you are willing to sacrifice. For me, I can easily give up watching TV and invest that time into my goals. For others, it may be getting up a half hour earlier in the morning. But look at every task you do and how you spend you time and decide if it's worth it. The flip side of this is discovering what you are not willing to sacrifice. For me, I'm not willing to sacrifice my family for my goals.

Following these five steps will get you much closer to your goals than simply making a half-promise to yourself. Share what goals you are working on for this year and how you plan to achieve them. I would be glad to help cheer you on!

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