Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I have to say, I took off three weeks for the Christmas holiday and it was great! Working for yourself definitely has its advantages. It was so nice just hanging out with my kids and playing. We baked cookies, played games, watched movies, and read books. I can now recite verbatim The Belly Button Book, Dr. Seuss' What Wast I Scared Of, and Veggie Tales - Larry Boy and the Fib from Outer Space. Yet, while I love building tents and forts with couch cushions and blankets I also love the work I do, so here I am back in my office, my first day back to work.

For those of you who may consider starting a company or working out of your home, let me warn you, it is very difficult. I've always thought it was much easier to either be a full-time stay-at-home mom or work in an office full-time. When you work out of your home, it can be difficult to have a phone conference while you can hear your children banging around above you. (My office is in our soon-to-be finished basement.) This is especially true when you hear one of them crash (falling off the couch?, tackled by her older brother?) and start crying. There is always the guilt in the back of your mind that you should be there to pick them up and kiss the boo-boos. Luckily, we found an amazing person to watch our children while I work. Naomi loves my kids and does a great job taking care of them and helping me around the house. Plus, the kids love her. I've finally come to the realization that by working, I'm fresher with my children, I have more patience, and we do need a break from each other.

So as for now, I need to go make some phone calls and hopefully the noise my kids are making by running their cars, trucks, and planes back and forth over the floor vent directly above my desk won't be heard by my clients. Here's to the new year!

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