Friday, December 12, 2008

Proposals vs. Potty Training

Ok, so I really didn't think I would be able to post more than twice a week, so you can imagine my surprise at having two posts in one afternoon. If you read my earlier post you know I was trying to get some work done while my son was supposed to be napping. He wasn't and it was overly ambitious of me to think I could get much done.

We've been potty training for about a month now, and he's been doing really well and we don't have many accidents. He does still have to wear a diaper at night though. I do remind him about going on the potty through out the day. So as I'm here sending off a quick e-mail, my son takes off to the bathroom saying "I have to go potty mommy and I need help." followed by "It's too late mommy, it's too late!" I quickly try to minimize my e-mail and accidentally shut it down - shoot! - now I lost the e-mail I just spent 5 minutes typing. I run into the bathroom to see him in just his underwear, peeing all over the floor saying "I need help mommy!" (Thank goodness we have vinyl flooring). I pick him up as he's still peeing and plop him on the toilet. He still has his underwear on, but I figure they're already wet and that's less I have to clean up off the floor. I go to get the paper towels and the Clorox wipes to start cleaning up the floor and my phone rings. It's a contact I've been trying to get in touch with for two days. I need her commitment for a proposal I was tying to submit. I can't take the call and let my voice mail pick up. As I'm cleaning up the floor and my son, I'm thinking of the project I was trying to co-ordinate with this contact. It was one of those where you have to get the team and proposal together quickly and be ready to launch the project in the next two weeks. I've already spent almost a week on this proposal and know that I may have lost today as well. This delay might even cost me the project, but that's what happens when you try to balance this work with being a mom. And at this moment, potty training outweighs the proposal. (Maybe in her voice mail my contact said she's in for the project. )

1 comment:

  1. ah, the joys of potty training!
    you're doing a great juggling act, Meg! :-D
    love & miss you!
