Friday, December 12, 2008

Business and Babies Background

Let me start this blog by saying I don't know much about them, except for one or two that I occasionally read. I'm not even sure if people will find and read this blog. Before I had children, I enjoyed journaling, but have not been able to find the time to do that. I figure this will be a good outlet for me to keep friends and family up-to-date, and something I can look back on.

There are lots of challenges and joys of running a consulting firm out of your home - especially when you have two toddlers running around the house. The focus of this blog will be to give others a sneak-peek of my life and how I try to juggle everything.

So here's a brief background on me and my life. I left my full-time corporate job when my son was six-months old to start my own consulting firm. My goal was to be home with my son and still work in my field and bring in some extra money. Fast forward one year, and my daughter was born. Within that year, I had begun building my consulting firm and landed some nice projects. Of course, I had to do it all during naptime. When I did have to go to a client's site, I would have a close friend watch my son. Today, my son is 2 1/2 (soon to be 3) and my daughter is 15 months. I still run my business out of my house three days a week (plus evenings and weekends) and it has continued to grow.

It's taken me about 45 minutes to write this entry. As I've been trying to write this, my son decided he was not going to take his nap, so I got him settled on the couch to watch a VeggieTales video. Nap or not, he still needs some quiet time. After about 10 minutes, he decided he was going to crawl up on my lap and try to count the keys on my laptop. Then, a client called. Fortunately, this client knows I work from home with kids and I was able to take the call. I usually don't take business calls when the kids are up or our sitter is not here. While I'm on the phone with my client, my son is trying to hit the keys on my laptop and asking for the penguins game. I quickly minimize my blog and e-mail windows to try to prevent any mishaps, move the laptop, and pull him off the chair, all while still holding a conversation with my client. After hanging up the phone, I get him settled back on the couch, find his little green bear, and get his move restarted. I better get this posted since his movie is almost over - and he's not asleep yet. I hear his sister stirring - she actually did take a nap - and I'm expecting two more client calls this afternoon.

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