Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Mid-Year!

I know lots of people love to celebrate New Years Eve. It gives them a chance to reflect on the previous year and set new goals for the new year. For me, the end of June is almost like another New Year for me. See I live in Pennsylvania and the state's fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30th. While I do not work for the state, several of my clients depend on state grants to help fund the projects and training they do with my firm. That mean's I'm usually very busy with work in June as everyone tries to finish projects and training before the year ends and July is rather quiet. So, I try to take the first week of July to evaluate how the first half of the year went, what worked, what didn't, and any adjustments that need to be made for the second half of the year.

Right now, not only am I looking at the projects I'm working on and training that we offer, but I'm also looking at where I'm focusing my efforts geographically. The first half of the year involved me doing a lot of traveling overnight for several nights in a row. My kids were not too fond of all that traveling. Of course to develop new business closer to home, I'm going to have to spend a lot of time prospecting and trying to build new relationships.

The cool thing now though, is the kids are just now getting old enough that I can take them down to my office for about a half hour and they will play while I check e-mail. Their attention span doesn't last much longer than that - but it's definitely progress. I'm hoping to install a wireless router in the next few weeks so I can do some work while we're outside playing in the backyard. At least, in my head this seems to be a good idea, we'll see how it plays out in real life!

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